7 Tips for Choosing the Perfect Natural Soap Bar for Your Skin

Making the switch from conventional commercial soaps to wholesome natural products is a popular move for everyone. It’s better for your health, appearance, and the environment. However, just like anything, there’s a bit of a learning curve when it comes to making a switch like that.

What matters? What should you look for? What do those fancy natural ingredients do to different skin types?

Today, we will go over 7 tips for choosing the best natural soap bar for your skin to help you navigate the transition.

Let’s get started.

best natural soap bars for your skin

1. Know Your Skin Allergies

This is an issue with soaps that aren’t natural, as well. However, even with 100% natural ingredients, you need to know about any skin allergies you might have. There are lots of ingredients used to make natural soaps designed to do different things, and the last thing you want to do is get an amazing new soap just to break out or deal with excessively dry skin after using it.

You probably already know what types of ingredients don’t work well with your skin type and cause immediately noticeable reactions, but make sure you read the ingredient list of any soap you buy to make sure those ingredients aren’t present.

2. No Harsh Chemicals

The point of a natural soap is that it’s better for you. If a natural soap company is leveraging harsh chemicals, even if they’re naturally occurring, it defeats the purpose of using a natural soap. This is why you should always make sure to check out manufacturers' formulations and ingredients.

Some concentrated forms of citrus can be caustic, various fragrances might slip by on the ingredient list but have irritants in them, etc.

When you go all-natural, make sure you’re choosing a bar that’s gentle. Luckily, the vast majority of natural soap companies refrain from using such ingredients. That’s mostly an issue with synthetic soaps.

3. Choose Plant Oils for Dry Skin

The base of the soap matters significantly depending on your skin type. First, you need to know if your skin is classified as dry or oily. We’ll start with dry skin.

If your skin is dry and flaky, you want to get a soap that is built on a plant oil base. This includes ingredients such as avocado or vegetable oil, but aloe, cocoa butter, milk, and similar common ingredients are also great options.

These natural ingredients moisturize the skin deeply and help restore dry and damaged skin to a supple and soft state. 

4. Choose Tea Tree, Mint, and Similar Ingredients for Oily Skin

Oily skin needs ingredients that can help clear up the excess oil and restore balance to the skin. There are several natural ingredients that do this extremely well, and they’re not necessarily base ingredients like you look for in a dry-skin soap.

Primarily, you’ll want to look for tea tree oil, mint, cucumber, and sandalwood. These are all frequently found in common natural soaps. However, it’s also worth looking at soaps that contain Turmeric or Neem. Both of those work exceptionally well.

5. Go Fragrance-Free for Certain Conditions

While everyone loves a great-smelling soap, it’s often better to go with a fragrance-free option that simply focuses on cleaning power. This is beneficial if you’re suffering from very sensitive skin, conditions such as HS, or even common acne.

Fragrances, even when created with natural ingredients, can irritate those conditions. Depending on what it is you’re suffering from, the effects can be mildly annoying, or they can be fairly serious such as an HS flare up bad enough to warrant antibiotic usage.

Lavender, however, is an exception. Known for its soothing properties, lavender-infused soaps can provide a gentle, calming experience for sensitive skin types.

Plenty of natural soap companies have both fragranced and fragrance-free options available. So, you shouldn’t have an issue finding a great natural soap that doesn’t trigger a reaction from your sensitive skin. 

6. Turmeric Does More Than Clear Up Oil

We briefly mentioned using turmeric-infused soap earlier if you have oily skin, but that’s not the only reason to find a soap that uses it.

If you want a soap that can both help fight bacteria and reduce the amount of inflammation in your body, turmeric is a good consideration.

Inflammation causes many of the everyday aches and pains that many people deal with, and getting rid of bad bacteria is just a good decision overall. Considering this is a natural spice many people eat often, it’s also aligned with the entire point of a wholesome, natural soap solution.

You don’t have to find a soap with this in it, and there are similar alternatives, but it’s nice to have if you can find a soap you like with it.

7. Short Ingredient Lists

Buying natural soap is a lot like buying organic food. You want the ingredient list to be as short as possible.

While it’s entirely possible to make a 100% natural soap with a mile-long ingredient list, it’s not necessary, and there’s often a negative reason for that many ingredients to be used. It can mean that corners are being cut with fillers making up much of the bar’s base, fragrances can be overly complicated, etc.

A good natural soap bar can be made with just a handful of 100% natural ingredients. A base such as plant oil or animal fats, a natural cleaning agent or two, a binder depending on what ingredients are used, and a fragrance if that's part of the soap. If you feel exhausted just reading through the list of ingredients, pass on it.

Get Your Natural Soap Bar from a Premium Source

Finally, we have a bonus tip. You need to buy your natural soap bar from a company that is reputable and puts out high-quality products.

With all-natural products being all the rage, many big brands slap the natural label on products in a dishonest manner that just barely gets passed any legal requirements. Some small manufacturers are run by inexperienced people who need more time to refine their skills, and some even cut corners by using the bare minimum for premium ingredients they can.

At LOYO Body, we believe you deserve a natural soap bar, natural face care products as well as body care products that deliver real results and meet your expectations. Our products are crafted with high-quality, genuinely natural ingredients to ensure you get the best care for your skin. You want a natural soap bar that is made to get the job done and provide the results you’re looking for. Get yourself the best quality natural soap bars today. If you have any questions, please contact us!


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